What is pretty-format?
The pretty-format npm package is a JavaScript library that allows you to serialize any JavaScript value into a string with a human-readable format. It is particularly useful for snapshot testing, where you want to compare the expected and actual output of your test cases.
What are pretty-format's main functionalities?
Pretty-printing of basic JavaScript types
This feature allows you to convert basic JavaScript types like objects, arrays, strings, numbers, etc., into a nicely formatted string.
const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const value = { foo: 'bar', baz: 42 };
Customizing output with plugins
pretty-format supports plugins that can be used to customize the output for specific types of values, such as React elements.
const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const ReactElementPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactElement');
const reactElement = <div>Hello World</div>;
console.log(prettyFormat(reactElement, { plugins: [ReactElementPlugin] }));
Minimizing diff output
By using pretty-format in combination with a diffing library like jest-diff, you can minimize the output of diffs to make them easier to read and understand.
const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
const diff = require('jest-diff');
const oldValue = { a: 'old', b: 'values' };
const newValue = { a: 'new', b: 'values' };
const difference = diff(prettyFormat(oldValue), prettyFormat(newValue));
Other packages similar to pretty-format
Chalk is a popular npm package for styling terminal strings. While it doesn't serialize objects, it can be used in conjunction with pretty-format to colorize the output, enhancing readability.
Util is a core Node.js module that provides a method called 'inspect' for printing objects in a readable format. It is similar to pretty-format but is built into Node.js and does not support plugins.
js-beautify is an npm package that can format HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It is more focused on formatting code rather than serializing arbitrary JavaScript values like pretty-format.
pretty-format ![Travis build status](http://img.shields.io/travis/thejameskyle/pretty-format.svg?style=flat)
Stringify any JavaScript value.
$ npm install pretty-format
var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
var obj = { property: {} };
obj.circularReference = obj;
obj[Symbol('foo')] = 'foo';
obj.map = new Map();
obj.map.set('prop', 'value');
obj.array = [1, NaN, Infinity];
Object {
"property": Object {},
"circularReference": [Circular],
"map": Map {
"prop" => "value"
"array": Array [
Symbol(foo): "foo"
Type Support
, Array
, ArrayBuffer
, DataView
, Float32Array
, Float64Array
, Int8Array
, Int16Array
, Int32Array
, Uint8Array
, Uint8ClampedArray
, Uint16Array
, Uint32Array
, arguments
, Boolean
, Date
, Error
, Function
, Infinity
, Map
, NaN
, null
, Number
, RegExp
, Set
, String
, Symbol
, undefined
, WeakMap
, WeakSet
Pretty format also supports adding plugins:
var fooPlugin = {
test: function(val) {
return val && val.hasOwnProperty('foo');
print: function(val, print, indent) {
return 'Foo: ' + print(val.foo);
var obj = { foo: { bar: {} } };
prettyFormat(obj, {
plugins: [fooPlugin]
var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
var reactPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactTestComponent');
var React = require('react');
var renderer = require('react/lib/ReactTestRenderer');
var jsx = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello World');
prettyFormat(renderer.create(jsx).toJSON(), {
plugins: [reactPlugin]